Grace Chiropractic Center
309 West Main Street
Cabot, AR 72023
Monday thru Friday 8:30 - 5:00
Extended hours are
available by appointment.
We want to be the Best Chiropractor you have ever been to. Grace Chiropractic Center – “The Cabot Chiropractor” “I believe all of our patients are special. They deserve individual attention and respect.” – Dr. Clay Gross 1/30/2017 ” I have tried other therapy offices for weeks at a time but I felt better Read More
What makes our office different from other clinics? We listen to our patients. Dr. Clay Gross evaluates the function of each patient in relation to their complaints so progress can be documented and evaluated. This allows the doctor and the patient to be on the same page and expectations can be measured and achieved. Our Read More
That is exactly what we are working towards everyday with our sports injuries, auto accidents, headache and back pain patient’s. We document symptoms/pain and evaluate how your biomechanics function- spinal stiffness, strains/sprains, spasms, joints, vertebral column, nerves, posture and strength symmetry. Observing what positions feel better and what activities make your condition worse. Taking a Read More
If you have never been to a chiropractor you maybe a little nervous b/c you don’t know what it is all about. I see this everyday with new patients that are hurting and just want to get out of pain or get through a injury. During the initial office visit we collect some information from Read More
Head forward posture is when the person’s head has moved anterior to their shoulders. This common posture causes a number of issues over time. Number one it reduces the normal curve in the cervical spine. This curve is important for many reasons, one of which is that it acts like a shock absorber as we Read More
There are many rules and regulations regarding x-rays. It is not recommended to have routine x-rays performed just for the sake of having them done. There needs to be a reasonable purpose for a patient to be exposed to radiation. Non-traumatic events that result in acute back or spinal discomfort may not always require x-rays, Read More
Feet are a special body part that takes a lot of abuse everyday. We stand on them, walk on them, climb, kick, twist and bounce on them many times with bad shoes, flip flops or bare footed. They take a beating from the time we wake up until we get off of them at the Read More
The biomechanics of the gait cycle. The heel strike, the mid-stance and the toe-off. The majority of our stance is the mid stance phase of gait, while the other foot is in the swing phase of gait. One of the more common problems people have with their feet is called: Over Pronation or hyperpronation is Read More
People are hurting with back pain, hips, shoulders, knees and neck pain everyday in America. The use of opioids has been a complete failure due to the side affects and long lasting addictive properties it has. In 2012 it was estimated that 26.4 million people world wide abused opioids. According to the CDC (CDC.gov) 78 Read More
As insurance premiums rise, deductibles and co-pays increase many people can’t afford to miss work or go to their doctor for every little pain. There has never been a better time to go to your chiropractor. Statistics show that chiropractic care is one of the most cost effective healthcare providers. Chiropractors have the highest patient Read More