Grace Chiropractic Center
309 West Main Street
Cabot, AR 72023
Monday thru Friday 8:30 - 5:00
Extended hours are
available by appointment.
How Chiropractic Works How Chiropractic works. For this article we will focus on just a few aspects of chiropractic. In it’s simplest form Chiropractic examines the area of complaint, testing the joint and it’s soft tissues-muscle, ligament, nerves and tendons for function. Posture is important to observe the way a patient holds a particular body Read More
Physiotherapy is a profession of science-based modalities that considers the whole body and how it relates to our health, daily routine and life style. Chiropractic evaluates, tests and observes joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons and nerves. An example of this would be to evaluate what positions or ranges of motion a person has on one side Read More