In fact according to the ACA “Experts estimate that 90 percent of all world-class athletes use chiropractic care to prevent injuries and increase their performance potential. All National Football League (NFL) teams rely on DCs in varying capacities, and 77 percent of athletic trainers have referred players to a chiropractor for evaluation or treatment.”
We see jr high athletes, high school athletes, semi pro and professional athletes from bull riding, volley ball, baseball, football and bodybuilding. Recently Justin won the open division in
the Arkansas championship body building contest.
Others Grace Chiropractic Center sponsor and treat include Shawn, Liz, and Miracle.
Our office treats musculoskeletal conditions that involve muscle, tendon, ligament, all joints and vertebral column. Treatments can help prevent injury, promote function and improve performance. Although you don’t have to compete to be seen at our office, you may begin to feel like you want to!,…
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