Who goes to Grace Chiropractic Center

Grace Chiropractic Center is a family practice that sees infants, children and adults. Who is the typical patient at our office?  Mostly young adults that are active in sports, hobbies and physical activities such as Cabot high school students that play sports-track, trap shooting team, volley ball, football, baseball. School teachers, policemen, firemen, EMT’s, Pharmacist, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, and even physical therapists are regularly treated here. We see many military personnel and their families everyday for a number of conditions and symptoms. Our office sees a number of other chiropractors, eye doctors and veterinarians. Our office is treating many women during their entire pregnancy and their newborns as well.  Why is our office different? Because we take the time to listen to our patients and work to determine the cause of the problem so it doesn’t happen again, ever.  Let our office work for you.  www.cabotchiro.com

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